Category Archives: Poetry

Le Vieux-Montreal


March 24, 1980

The Bar Down At The Corner

There’s a bar down at the corner

Down near the waterfront

A bar on rue St. Paul

It’s called the L’Air du Temps

I go there sometimes in the evening

After my work is done

Down to the bar on the corner

The bar called the L’L’air du Temps

I go there in the evening

After my work is done

Don’t want to stay alone anymore

Up on the fourth floor

I go down to the L’Air du Temps

the bar near the waterfront

The one with all the hanging plants

and the living room upstairs

I go down to sit around

and sip a glass of wine

Want to listen to the music

Don’t want to get involved

Just want to sit around

and see what’s going down

At the bar on the corner

The one called the L’Air du Temps

Don’t want to be alone

Up on the fourth floor

Don’t want to be alone

after my work is done

Just want to hear the music

Proby on his sax

Some guy on the drums

and Cat on her rhythm guitar

Want to hear Harold on the base guitar

And slim banging away on the keys

Don’t want to be alone anymore

Up on the fourth floor

When I go away on the weekend

Back where I belong

I keep hearing Proby on his sax

Belting out a song

Keep hearing the music in my head

and I know I’ve got to go back

Back to the bar on rue St. Paul

Back to the L’Air du Temps

And Slim banging away on the keys